Generated using SQL Data Dictionary demo version.

Table Sales.SpecialDeals (2 rows)

Special pricing (can include fixed prices, discount $ or discount %)

  Column Data Type Identity Nullable Default
PK SpecialDealID int NEXT VALUE FOR [Sequences].[SpecialDealID]
ID (sequence based) for a special deal
FK StockItemID int X
Stock item that the deal applies to (if NULL, then only discounts are permitted not unit prices)
FK CustomerID int X
ID of the customer that the special pricing applies to (if NULL then all customers)
FK BuyingGroupID int X
ID of the buying group that the special pricing applies to (optional)
FK CustomerCategoryID int X
ID of the customer category that the special pricing applies to (optional)
FK StockGroupID int X
ID of the stock group that the special pricing applies to (optional)
DealDescription nvarchar(30)
Description of the special deal
StartDate date
Date that the special pricing starts from
EndDate date
Date that the special pricing ends on
DiscountAmount decimal(18,2) X
Discount per unit to be applied to sale price (optional)
DiscountPercentage decimal(18,3) X
Discount percentage per unit to be applied to sale price (optional)
UnitPrice decimal(18,2) X
Special price per unit to be applied instead of sale price (optional)
FK LastEditedBy int
LastEditedWhen datetime2 sysdatetime()



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